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Ryukyuan History & Culture in English

カテゴリー │教室

花笠Ryukyuan History & Culture in English 英語で学ぶ琉球の歴史と文化エイサー

This course is prepared for a person who

wants to get informed of a history and culture of the Ryukyu Islands, who want to be an island tour  guide, who wants to study abroad, etc. This course is open to all nationalities.  Each class lasts 60 minutes. Tea, coffee and snacks will be served to attendees free of charge.

シーサーオスContents of the Couse   (5回コース)


8月26-  Traditional and Modern Art and Crafts


9月 9日-  Famous Ryukyuans and theirWords


9月16日-  Political System and Political Parties


9月23日-  Ryukyus Independece and Economics


9月30日-  Ryukyus Independece and Government



日 時: 土曜日10時~11時

参加費:  6,500 1回のみ2,000

講 師: Pr.Hoshin Nakamura

        (ProfessorEmeritus: Okinawa University)

定 員: 15 

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