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 Ryukyuan History&Culture in English

カテゴリー │教室11月のプログラム10月のプログラム

Ryukyuan History &Culture in English  花笠                                                                                               
英語で学ぶ琉球の歴史と文化 4回コース 赤ハイビスカス        

① 2 October- Second Foreign Invasion in 1879 and Assimilation
② 9 October- Third Foreign Invasion in 1945 and the U.S Rule
③16 October- Remilitarization and the Future of the Ryukyus
④23 October- This is the Ryukyus after Its Independence.

日 時:(土)9時~10時半(10月3日~10月31日)
参加費: 4,800円(全日程参加)1,500円(1日のみ)
              非会員 2,000円(1日のみ)
講 師: Prof. Hoshin Nakamura
定 員: 8名
持ち物: マスク
Students will learn a Ryukyuan History &Culture
for five weeks in English. This course is prepared for a person planning to study and travel abroad, to become a tour guide, a translator/ an interpreter, to improve in English competence, etc. Each class lasts 90 minutes. This course is open to all nationalities. We will also enjoy coffee/tea time with some snacks during/after each class.

 Ryukyuan History&Culture in English

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